Literary services provided by Ernesto Mallo
For whom:
For individuals with a significant professional activity who find that their career development requires an instrument to showcase their achievements, ideas, philosophy, and practices. There is no medium more prestigious than a book. A good book is the most important calling card: it opens doors, increases visibility, and enhances and optimizes relationships with the media.
“Ser autor de un libro
te cambia la vida.”
A good book:
Is well-structured.
Is grammatically correct.
Has solid content.
Is stylistically elegant, both in writing and in its editorial design.
Captivates and interests the reader.
Is a vector of information.
As naturally follows from these requirements, a good book, in addition to the necessary expertise and experience, demands a lot of work and time. Time that not everyone has. To meet these needs, we have developed a series of programs that can be contracted independently to support the journey from the original idea to the published book and its promotion.
Proofreader or Editor
Supervisa ortografía, gramática y estilo. Coherencia, verosimilitud, centros de interés, cadencia y ritmo. Evita repeticiones, cacofonías, acumulación de monosílabos y excesos de adjetivación, entre otras cuestiones estilísticas. El Corrector o Editor sugiere los cambios y el cliente decide si los aplica o no.
Optimizador de Textos Breves
Usted envía el texto publicitario, post o mensaje que desea publicar y en 24 hs máximo se lo devolvemos mejorado: más atractivo, mas visible, más catching.
Coste Base: 0,5 € por palabra del original.
Based on the material and information provided by the client, the text for the presentation is written and, optionally, the audiovisual presentation can be designed.
Literary Advisor
Ernesto Mallo acts as a literary advisor, providing targeted support to the author throughout the writing process according to the agreed consultation guidelines.
With client supervision. Ernesto Mallo serves as a literary tutor and supports the author throughout the entire writing process, from ideation to the final manuscript.
Ghost Writer
Writes the entire work based on the client's information and wishes, who will oversee each stage of the work. The work is signed and exclusively belongs to the client, who holds the copyright.
All work is conducted under a confidentiality agreement.